I am not going to write two whole paragraphs describing bullshits about the background of either of the two subject matters mentioned in the title like they do in Nepali style essay writing by already boring the readers before one actually gets to the main topic.
The answer is UNITY. Unity which our Nepali business-folks think exists between them due to the mutual primary aim of all involved in business, the mutual primary aim of making money.
So we Nepalese try to use each other for making money.
What do the marwaris do? They help each other to empower themselves so that they can use others (non-marwaris) for making money. They have a mutual understanding and know which people to work with and which people to make money out of.
The result? Look at Nepal's market now .....
1.Who do most of the major business houses in Nepal belong to?
2.How many of them belong to Nepali business men?
3.Which amongst the two is the major player in import and supply in Nepal?
4.Which amongst the two are actually running most of the shops from inside in almost all major marketplaces in most cities of Nepal?
5.Who do you actually see selling the products in our shops?
The answers are:
1.Marwaris or someone of the Indian origin
2.Very few
5.Nepalese (working directly or indirectly for marwaris)
I dont have statistics to show and impress all of you reading this because frankly speaking its a boring job searching the stats and making a graph to impress my readers.But I am sure all of us have an idea who is dominating who?
I am sure atleast one of the readers has already come up with the excuse of us Nepalese not having enough capital for investment like the Marwaris.But then thats where UNITY comes in, united investment is one thing that I dont see many Nepalese practising. We would rather have two small shops of our own then one big shop for the both of us.
United we rise, Divided we fall.
Who is rising and who is falling .... I think we all know.
I totally agree with you. Being united and having each other's back is a crucial lesson to learn. This is the very reason why in this current age every business wants to build their network, stay plugged in. I would also like to add that being professional is another reason why Marwaris have done so well commercially. Many businessmen in Ktm fail simply because they are unable to stay professional. Doesn't matter if you are in a family business or even working within and among family members, the moment you loose the grip of your professionalism.